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File List | 1994-01-22 | 34.8 KB | 446 lines |
- ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
- │ 10 - Text Editors, Viewers and Utilities │
- └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
- 2READ.ZIP 12915 07-24-93 Read is a small, simple-minded text
- | file program that will load an ASCII
- | file and pop it up on the screen
- | allowing you to scroll up and down from
- | beginning to end and then exit with a
- | touch of the Esc key.
- ADD2AUTO.ZIP 32679 07-07-93 ADD2AUTO.ZIP program adds a user defined
- | line to the second to the last line of
- | end-users AUTOEXEC.BAT file. The user
- | original AUTOEXEC.BAT file is stored as
- | autoexec.jen.
- ADDCOL.ZIP 11079 07-14-93 ADDCOL v1.0: Free DOS utility: adds a
- | column of numbers in a text file. ADDCOL
- | simply adds a column of numbers in a
- | text file. With PASCAL source.
- AEDIT97B.ZIP 102141 10-19-93 Excellent editor for offline mail
- | readers; AEdit v0.97beta freeware. Wide
- | Beta release! Version 1.00 coming soon!
- AELITE12.ZIP 109872 07-10-93 Aris Edit Lite v1.2: General purpose
- | text editor. Up to 10 editing windows;
- | Multi-megabyte filesize; 25, 28, 30,34,
- | 43, 50, 60 line modes; UNDO last 1000
- | text changes; line & rectangular block
- | marking; auto word search; read-only
- | editing mode; bookmarks; bracket
- | matching; regular expression search.
- ASCII71.ZIP 78696 05-20-93 EGA/VGA text-browsing utility that
- | provides smooth scrolling in either
- | direction. Also can set scrolling speed.
- AUROR101.ZIP 428552 08-30-93 New! The Aurora Editor v1.01: Powerful
- | text editor with superb windowing
- | environment, full mouse support, a huge
- | one gigabyte paged virtual memory using
- | XMS/EMS/disk, object-oriented macro
- | language, multi-instance programmable
- | file manager, unlimited undo/redo, 386
- | version, user-definable menus,
- | keyboard, toolbar, text folding, binary
- | edit, 16K max line length & more!
- AUTOREAD.ZIP 170818 06-27-93 AutoRead v2.0. File viewer for large
- | files.
- AVW1.ZIP 47213 09-05-93 Allyn's File Viewer (AVW) v1.0: A
- | multi-window, menu-driven file Reader
- | allowing the user to read more than one
- | file at a time. AVW has full mouse
- | support. Free.
- BBBASICS.ZIP 13126 09-12-93 BBS Basics, information for new BBS
- | users! Reprinted Courtesy Pasco BBS
- | Magazine.
- BE310A.ZIP 272990 08-04-93 Bingo v3.10a: Multi-file programmer's
- | text editor w/optional pull-down menus,
- | configurable keyboard, macros, mouse
- | support & regular expression searches.
- | Has virtual memory support (ability to
- | edit file(s) larger than available
- | memory - essentially no limit). Bingo
- | has its own C-like extension language,
- | multi-level undo, more.
- BH101.ZIP 268091 07-04-93 Bamboo Helper Chinese Text Utility v1
- | Helps Non-Native Speakers Read Chinese
- | Text Files.
- BIGTXT23.ZIP 366492 07-08-93 BigText v2.3 Compresses Book-Size Text
- | Files.
- BOX50A.ZIP 310921 01-15-94 Boxer Text Editor v5.0a: Top Rated
- | Editor! New: Color Syntax Highlighting
- | For Programs, Scripts, Etc. Displays
- | Reserved Words, ComMents, Constants. In
- | User-Defined Colors, Multi-Level Redo,
- | Cua-Compliant Menus, PreFerred File
- | Extensions, Extension-Specific
- | Configuration & 50 New Features.
- BREEZE52.ZIP 383473 08-08-93 Breeze v5.2: Word processor/text editor
- | with spell.
- CE317_S.ZIP 25237 07-28-93 CMEditor v3.16: A small, fast text line
- | editor able to edit or view large files
- | with long lines. Features easy mnemonic
- | command structure, block move, copy,
- | delete, output-to-file, print operators,
- | text search, replace, global-replace,
- | and more. Standalone version of editor
- | imbedded in CMFiler. Req. 91k free
- | conventional memory, MS-DOS v2.0+.
- CREAD210.ZIP 44001 12-01-93 Text File Browser.
- CUT_10.ZIP 9988 06-25-93 Cut@ v1.0 Will Read A Text File, Look
- | For A Specified String, And Write The
- | First, Second, or Both Parts Into New
- | Files. Type Cut@ ? For Help.
- DART2D.ZIP 168891 01-15-94 Hypertext file viewer. modern desktop
- | environment. Network compatible. View
- | text or ANSI graphics, edit forms,
- | launch programs. Automatic table and
- | index of contents. One-pass and
- | conventional searches. EGA/VGA.
- DEADSEA.ZIP 2158 07-26-93 English translations of the Dead Sea
- | Scrolls Enoch and Hosea books.
- EASYMAN1.ZIP 56076 09-12-93 Freeware utility to convert text files
- | to executables.
- EDITR10.ZIP 179793 07-15-93 EDIT'R v1.0: ASCII Text File Editor is
- | an ASCII text file editor that allows
- | users to create, edit, and save small
- | ASCII text files. EDIT'R is ideal for
- | editing .SYS, .BAT, .INI, and .CFG
- | files. Customized file filters allow
- | rapid file selection.
- ENCRIPT2.ZIP 25494 05-01-93 ENCRIPT-IT v2.0! High quality, menu-
- | driven Text-File encrypter. Create an
- | encrypted file, encrypt existing file,
- | Decrypt a file, view directory listing,
- | and view a file.
- EPLUS254.ZIP 114852 09-11-93 EPLUS v2.53: Full-Featured Editor PLUS,
- | Mouse Settings, Clipboard, Calculator,
- | Puzzle, ASCII Table, and Calendar.
- EZVIEW53.ZIP 55227 10-10-93 EZView v5.3: Use a sortable file
- | selection menu to choose a file from any
- | drive or archive and view it in text or
- | hex format. Search for text, print any
- | part of a file, invoke an editor,
- | choose screen colors and more. Includes
- | mouse and EMS support, and supports
- | ZIP, LZH, ARC, ARJ, PAK and ZOO.
- FCMERG10.ZIP 29368 07-14-93 FCMERGE v1.0: FCMERGE merges two sets
- | of changes to an ASCII file into a
- | single file. It's useful when two
- | programmers have changed the same
- | source file, but can be used with other
- | types of files as well. With DOCs.
- FC_MA.ZIP 39296 06-14-93 FC v2.7: Compares two text files and
- | lists the differences between them line.
- FED134.ZIP 47014 06-24-93 Fed v1.34: non-interactive text file
- | editor.
- FED160.ZIP 55806 03-03-93 FED (FileEDit) v1.60. A binary file
- | editor files in Hex/ASCII or EBCDIC.
- | Full featured, invaluable tool for DOS
- | support.
- FONT130.ZIP 145570 08-27-93 FONTASTIC v1.30: An ANSI Text Editor
- | with 15 Fancy Fonts for ASCII and ANSI
- | applications. Fonts are typed in "real
- | time" and the screen can be saved as an
- | ASCII, ANSI, .COM, or BINARY file. Many
- | features for editing. FONT, DRAW, & TEXT
- | modes. Two pages for loading and block
- | transfer of data. Special color
- | functions for ANSI fonts. Pulldown menu,
- | borders, box drawing, & more.
- GETTXT03.ZIP 12825 07-06-93 Gettext v0.3: Will Output A File To
- | Standard Output Filtering Non-Printable
- | Characters. See Text In .EXE, ANSI, And
- | Other Files. Printable Characters Can Be
- | User Defined.
- GNOMES1.ZIP 107715 09-10-93 GNOMES v1.01: Free DOS utility. Tagline
- | displayer. Displays a line of text,
- | chosen randomly from a file. Presents
- | user with random gnomes (taglines,
- | jokes, quotes, etc). Continuous or
- | single gnome mode. Over 4000 gnomes
- | included.
- GRBPLS65.ZIP 428730 04-26-93 GRAB Plus v6.5: DOS is an envelope
- | addressing and mail management package.
- | It grabs address from the screen; paste
- | address into word processor; prints
- | labels and envelopes; prints postnet
- | barcodes and much more!
- HYPGEN44.ZIP 87706 11-16-93 HyperRead hypertext Generator v4.4:
- | Allows you to convert ordinary ASCII
- | text files to hypertext files. Useful
- | for electronic publishers and shareware
- | authors to distribute their publications
- | and instruction manuals.
- JCSCRO42.ZIP 8515 10-15-93 JCScroll v4.2 is a TSR that will enable
- | the DOS user to scroll up on the screen
- | in order to view text that has scrolled
- | by.
- JSPELL20.ZIP 235621 11-15-93 Jspell v2.0: A spell checker with
- | TeX-ability. Features: Mouse support,
- | On-line help, Fast and intelligent
- | suggestion for nearly misspelled words,
- | Dictionary manager, Undo up to 400
- | steps, Multiple user dictionaries, File
- | specific dictionary, Network support,
- | Foreign character support Versatile and
- | user configurable TeX-ability.
- JSREC.ZIP 55871 08-22-93 JSREC attempts to tell you what
- | software created a specified file.
- JS_NOT.ZIP 17300 09-14-93 JS-Not v1.0 lets you specify files on
- | which action should NOT be taken. For
- | example, you can delete or copy all
- | files but those specified.
- KEYCACHE.ZIP 9938 06-04-93 Keycache: TSR Program That Accelerates
- | Keyboard Input By Watching What You Type
- | And Displaying A List Of Words to Start
- | With The First Letter You Type Or By
- | Mouse Click. Keycache Inserts The Rest
- | Of the Word For You. If You Type A Word
- | That Keycache Doesn't Know About, It
- | Will Save The Word Displayed It The
- | Next Time You Type Something That Starts
- | With It's First Letter.
- KEYSPLT.ZIP 11377 07-08-93 Will split pages by form feed
- | character.
- KREADER.ZIP 232734 10-17-93 KREADER - Reader solely for SF users.
- KWS142.ZIP 28853 09-17-93 KEYWORD SEARCH v1.42: Search for
- | keywords within text & binary files.
- | Grep, boolean, prefix, suffix, whole
- | word, case sensitive & fuzzy searches,
- | onscreen highlighting, line numbers,
- | totals, @filelists, subdirectory scans,
- | can read from stdin & hidden/system
- | files, accepts 4DOS 256-char command
- | lines, reads/converts Unix & Mac text
- | files, more.
- MINIWORD.ZIP 116208 03-05-93 Small, Fast Text Editor.
- MINWRD21.ZIP 116413 07-14-93 MiniWord - A small, powerful text
- | processor. Lots of online help which
- | makes up for the minimal .DOC file.
- NEDIT16X.ZIP 264831 05-23-93 Ned v1.6x: High Performance Text Editor
- | For Programmers & General Use; Edit 10
- | Files; 43/50 Modes; File Wildcards, Pick
- | Lists And Drive & Direct Browse For
- | Files; Online Calc, ASCII Tables & Help;
- | Keyboard Macros; More!
- NOTEWR30.ZIP 120711 01-15-94 NoteWare v3.0: TSR (about 18K) notepad
- | for unlimited # of screen-size notes.
- | Has text mode screen capture, cut &
- | paste, quite a bit more. v3.0 adds,
- | among other things, a version that
- | isn't a TSR and setup of that version
- | for Windows (but a DOS application).
- PAGINATE.ZIP 11516 07-14-93 PAGINATE v1.0: Free DOS utility: text
- | file paginator prepares text files for
- | printing by placing formfeeds (ASCII
- | 12), also called page breaks, at user
- | specified intervals. With PASCAL source.
- PETPE402.ZIP 330331 09-16-93 PE - The "perfect" Editor v4.02 (ASP):
- | Converts major Word Processor formats to
- | ASCII. Search for text ANYWHERE on your
- | hard drive, CD-ROM, or Network Drive,
- | and load up to 40 files containing
- | search text for edit or view at one
- | time. Combines capability of Norton's
- | File Finder with a remarkable multifile,
- | multi-window editor. Shareware version
- | can use all lower 640K.
- PSEDIT34.ZIP 69988 08-23-93 Binary File editor v3.4.
- PUT_INTO.ZIP 10105 10-14-93 PUT INTO. Merges one file into another
- | file between two user specified markers.
- | When the markers are not found the file
- | is appended (with new generated markers)
- | to the file. Contents between the
- | markers can easily be refreshed. Very
- | flexible!. USE: PUT INTO DST SRC M1 M2.
- QEDITTSE.ZIP 18888 07-23-93 Macro for TSE emulate Qedit.
- QNV12.ZIP 23413 08-01-93 QNV v1.2: non-TSR version of the file
- | viewing utility, QnView that allows you
- | to browse or search through any text
- | file easily.
- QREAD31.ZIP 156734 09-17-93 QReader v3.1. Powerful On-Line text
- | reader for publications (USA),
- | tutorials, reports. Scroll text with
- | PgDn, PgUp, Home and End. Scroll left &
- | right for text over 80 characters. Full
- | featured Find & Repeat find facility
- | displays entire page around the found
- | text. Download capability. Highly
- | configurable. DESQview, FOSSIL &
- | non-standard com support.
- RAP12.ZIP 24937 08-06-93 Rap v1.2: Word wrap utility program
- | which is used to reformat a text file
- | into specified line lengths without
- | splitting up words across lines; also
- | useful for removing all line breaks
- | within paragraphs for importing to word
- | processor programs.
- READ112J.ZIP 13506 08-14-93 Read ASCII File Viewer: Display, search
- | and browse binary & ASCII Files. Handy
- | for viewing Hard Drive Directories,
- | copying, moving and pasting. Combines
- | with other software to Edit files and
- | manage Archives.
- READV12.ZIP 5702 08-16-93 Text viewer can locate the file for
- | you! Supports mouse for flipping pages
- | etc. Nice.
- REFORM12.ZIP 16374 06-30-93 ASCII text file utility to reformat
- | line length to any size. Alsowill strip
- | all CR/LF except those that mark end of
- | paragraphs. Updated v1.2.
- RENUMBER.ZIP 5317 06-12-93 TSE: The Semware Editor Macro. Renumber
- | Is An Easy Way To Repeatedly Renumber A
- | Block Of Text.
- RETEST.ZIP 3079 07-25-93 TSE: The Semware Editor Macro. A TSE
- | Macro That Returns The Start Position Of
- | 'Needle' Within The 'Haystack' Using
- | Regular Expression Search And Any
- | Additional Specified Searches And
- | Replace Options.
- RREAD202.ZIP 233065 01-15-94 RaLin Reader v2.02 OPEN BETA version.
- | Reads a text file of any size. Print the
- | file, complete, or a fragment. Word and
- | phrase search. Jump to line. Edit the
- | file. Load new file. Configurable colors
- | and editor. DOS commands, Shell. File
- | picklist, mouse support and more! Now
- | has a pop up note pad too.
- RS11.ZIP 8650 10-14-93 RS. Read Screen image into file. Screen
- | contents is stored in ASCII file. RS
- | takes odd screen lengths into account.
- | Handy to run it before editing so you
- | can Cut and Paste from the DOS screen.
- SAGELINK.ZIP 819988 06-22-93 Hypertext authoring tool.
- SCFILE13.ZIP 75987 06-04-93 Allows you to view very large multi-
- | megabyte text files in Win v3.1. Req.
- | VBRUN300.
- SCH100.ZIP 76293 07-07-93 Search v1.00: Allows you to search for
- | a word or set of words in files. Limit
- | the search to one file or you can
- | select several files to search. You can
- | even search multiple directories.
- | SEARCH will display a list of files
- | where the search string was found and
- | allow you to double-click the files to
- | invoke your standard text editor, etc.
- | SEARCH is a tool for programmers.
- SEE301.ZIP 28034 08-08-93 SEE v3.01 (simple file browser with
- | mouse support) can freeze top rows &
- | left columns while rest of screen
- | programs that help young children learn
- SHOWV20.ZIP 21752 09-04-93 Convert Text to Electronic Magazine:
- | Very Easy to Use, Learn in Two Minutes.
- | Has Many Features Only Found in Bigger
- | Programs. v2.0.
- SIMDOC20.ZIP 120284 07-12-93 Simply Docs v2.0: Great utility to
- | compile ASCII text files into an EXE or
- | TSR format. Turn README into RUNME. Use
- | it anywhere you would use a text file,
- | for program manuals, electronic books,
- | catalogs, newsletters, etc. Features
- | easy to use viewer, search function,
- | extensive support for color documents,
- | print to any device or file, bookmarks,
- | & more!
- SLEEKFR4.ZIP 12898 10-08-93 Sleek v4.0: Text File Reformatter with
- | Margins!
- SRCHIT11.ZIP 36150 07-27-93 SearchIt v1.1: Routine that will print
- | out lines of a text file that contain a
- | specified string.
- STRPPR20.ZIP 34302 06-30-93 Stripper v2.0: removes ASCII codes 1 to
- | 31, & 127, carriage returns, formfeeds,
- | etc., from any size file.
- STVIEW40.ZIP 49542 07-23-93 ST-View v4.0: text file view/print
- | utility; file pick list; mouse support.
- SUPRNEW1.ZIP 8647 03-18-93 SUPERNEW v1.0: Create .COM files from
- | text files and optionally password
- | protect them.
- SW_WS.ZIP 79714 06-11-93 Screen Wizard v4.5: A windowing, screen
- | color, and text placement utility for
- | batch files. It also allows getting
- | user input and has timing controls.
- | Other features include custom screen
- | backgrounds, pause, query and input
- | Windows popup, exploding Windows and a
- | disk information utility.
- T2C210.ZIP 32280 07-27-93 TXT2COM v2.10: ASCII to executable
- | displayer converter program; very easy
- | to use. 50K text maximum. Archive
- | contains TSR version. v2.10 adds
- | ability to turn off row and column
- | counter.
- TCD11.ZIP 5423 06-05-93 TSE: The Semware Editor Macro. A Change
- | Directory Utility Using TSE And It's
- | Powerful Macro Language.
- TELETYPE.ZIP 32573 07-06-93 A new ASCII file viewer, which supports
- | large files.
- TEXTUTIL.ZIP 12387 06-16-93 Text de-formatting utility for data
- | files and editors that don't import text
- | automatically. Removes hi-bit
- | characters, splits files, converts
- | all-caps to proper-name style, strips
- TMTAIL.ZIP 7263 06-01-93 Prints last n lines of a text file.
- | Source code in C available.
- TR100.ZIP 8775 04-12-93 TR v1.0: Translate characters and more.
- | TR is a pure filter. It copies standard
- | in to standard out with substitution or
- | deletion of selected characters. (FW).
- TSE_TIP1.ZIP 50834 11-09-93 The Semware Editor Tips, Macros, and
- | other snippets.
- TTX400.ZIP 61071 11-12-93 TurboTxt Text File Compiler v4.00:
- | Creates a self-viewing .EXE program from
- | DOS text files. Eliminates the need to
- | distribute readme files with an
- | external file viewer. Registered users
- | do not need to pay royalties on program
- | output. Self viewing file now supports
- | text search and printing.
- TTYPE12.ZIP 34824 07-09-93 ASCII File Viewing Utility: Supports
- | Any Size File.
- TTYPE13.ZIP 35238 07-11-93 TeleType: automated ASCII file viewer.
- TVWIN103.ZIP 76224 06-25-93 Text viewer for VBRUN ASCII files.
- VDE17B.ZIP 152250 07-21-93 VDE v1.7B: Visual Display Editor Text
- | Editor with Word Processing.
- VDIFF05.ZIP 4975 04-04-93 TSE: The Semware Editor Macro. A
- | Line-By-Line Diff Utility For TSE.
- VF120.ZIP 32176 08-28-93 VF v1.20: Text file viewer displays
- | line numbers and recognizes VI commands.
- VH15.ZIP 85020 10-19-93 Freeware Hypertext Browser, Designed To
- | Work With The Jargon File, Usable By
- | Any Text File Marked With Easy-To-Use
- | Control Characters. Contains Portable C
- | SourceCode, And MS-DOS Executable. Will
- | UseMouse, But Mouse Is Not Necessary.
- VIM.ZIP 185951 04-14-93 PC DOS clone of the powerful UNIX VI
- | editor.
- VJ_SHA.ZIP 176738 06-15-93 VEDIT Jr. v1.3: Both a full-featured
- | general purpose text editor and a file
- | editor.
- VV10.ZIP 138209 08-23-93 VISUAL VIEWER v1.0: GUI Text File
- WACOSEAL.ZIP 9716 09-13-93 Full Congressional Record Text
- | attempting to seal the investigation
- | concerning Waco Texas.
- WALK10.ZIP 13740 05-18-93 Walking Fingers v1.0: small program to
- | handle small (up to 30K) text files that
- | can easily be used as a phone/address
- | book, to do list, little black book or
- | as your personal Yellow Pages.
- WOMAN15.ZIP 209028 08-03-93 ASCII text/EXE Reader contains numerous
- | quotes and articles by late 19th Century
- | Writers such as Freud, Baber, Nietzsche,
- | et al.
- WP4PROG.ZIP 35697 04-23-93 TSE: The Semware Editor Macro. A TSE
- | Configuration That Closely Emulates
- | Wordperfect 5.1. Very Nice If You're
- | Used To The WP51 Keyboard.
- WSMART12.ZIP 32311 09-10-93 WordSmart v1.2: File re-formatter/word
- | wrap, can also adjust left & right
- | margins, remove blank lines, etc.
- WSPLUS12.ZIP 35891 08-24-93 This set of TSE routines enhances your
- | productivity by adding the following
- | features to SEM-edit: 1) Stores last
- | position in a saved file. 2) Be able to
- | load files with only partial filenames
- | (and multiple filename). 3) Search
- | files for text fragments, load the
- | files and goto first occurrences.